On learning…
"Tell me and I'll forget it. Teach it to me and I'll remember. Involve me and I will learn."
— Benjamin Franklin
"Life must be an unceasing education; one must learn everything, from speaking to dying. “
— Gustave Flaubert
"Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
— Gandhi
Learning is a continuous process throughout our lives. A baby is learning right from birth and it is the parent’s job to provide skills and routines that will serve their child(ren) well throughout their lives. Teaching children how to fall asleep on their own and how to get back to sleep when they wake in the middle of the night is a key responsibility of a loving parent. This is a set of skills that children need and the benefits to the child(ren) and the parents is tangible. A healthy home environment hinges upon good sleep habits of all family members, regardless of their age. My goal is to support you so that your child(ren) can be autonomous in finding their sleep and staying asleep.
Most parents wait until they are completely exhausted to contact me. They simply cannot handle another night of interrupted sleep or another day of their child having 20-minute naps. If this situation describes you, I am so glad you have taken the first step in finding help. However, if you are an expecting mother, or a mother of a newborn and are looking to implement good sleep habits for your child right from the beginning (prior to you being exhausted), you have also come to the right spot. Either way I am confident that we can work together to design a personalized approach that will work for you.

How much is the sleep of your child worth?
What Other Specialists Say…
“Sleeping well is as essential to a child as being fed and loved.”
— Brigitte Langevin, author and sleep specialist for children and adults
“To sleep is to grow. If you have a tired child, he won’t eat or play, he’ll be cranky and prone to digestive problems or other illnesses….Parents need to take the lead on sleep with their children...sleep is a set of skills that we need to teach.”
- Tracy Hogg, nurse, arthur and child sleep specialist
“Healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.”
- Dana Obleman, author and children's sleep specialist